Research & Development
We focus on both basic research and the translation of our discoveries into new diagnostics and interventions that can help people live healthier and longer.
The overarching goal is to establish technological platforms, patient bioinformatics data, and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) repositories to form a pipeline for developing effective therapeutics via a rapid bench-to-bedside model.
Research Program
We have embarked on three intercorrelated research programs focused on the development of novel biomarkers for disease diagnosis and monitoring, identification of novel drug targets and systemic factors, and development of treatment for neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Research Program 1
Developing Novel Biomarkers Using an Integrative Approach

Research Program 2
Investigating Therapeutic Targets and Pathways in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Patient-Based Modelling Approaches

Research Program 3
Identifying Systemic Targets and Treatment Strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease